Hello, My Name Is Arif Qasemi

I'm a Web Developer

I Am Self Taught full-stack developer And a Refugee. It Is My Dream To Code Everyday, To Visualize Ideas And Make Them Come Alive Into Website and App To Improve My Problem Solving Skills. My GitHub Account

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About Me

I'm Arif Qasemi a full-stack Developer

I am self taught developer by learning online courses and i have been working with Designing and Coding since i was 17 years old. i spended my whole day, practically every day, experimenting with HTML CSS, JavaScript, WordPress,PHP, Laravel, React, and more. i am also certified in my skills and has developed a lot of websites for companies.

Birthday: 17 Jan 1998


Phone: +628523747819

Freelance: Available





















React Native




Complete WordPress Website Course

WordPress is a powerful content management system with a range of innovative features. In this courses, i have learnt skills from zero to master in WordPress and learn everything you need to know to get going with your website.


Zero Mastery Academy

This course is taught by an instructor who has worked in Silicon Valley, in this course i learnt a lot about HTML,CSS,JavaScript, React.js and Bootstrap.and i accomplished a lot of practices and assigments for the different kind of projects.



Building Website With WordPress

I have been working with WordPress since 2016, and i am committed to give back to the community.. and so far i have done many projects . i have helped and build websites for many local businesses.


Coding Websites With JavaScript

My main areas of interest are developing website in HTML,CSS,Bootstrap and Javascript. and so far i have done many projects . Since 2021 i have been working and had many clients from Freelance.com and upWork.


Web Design

A good website design allows you to establish a strong brand identity, Designing a good features and useful guides that help maximize prominence among search results.

Web Development

Building responsive websites from scratch with Html,CSS,JavaScript,Bootstrap and Jquery.coding brings websites to life, creating interactive animation with Jquery for your website.


SEO begins with identifying the right keywords,backlinks and phrases for your business that are relevant to your products and services, and have enough search volume to be worth targeting.


Django DRF with React

i have a developed a Restful API with Django DRF for quiz including user authentication with token. when you answer the question correct you get status that your answer was correct and you get score, if you answer wrong then you will recieve bad status with message that your answer was wrong. i have deployed the django DRF on digitalocean and installed ssl certificate so that i can consume the data on react. i used react for the frontend and deployed the react on vercel.click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: Django/React/TypeScript

Django with React

i have a developed a Restful API with Django DRF for shopping including user authentication with email, token, email verification, and all the functionalities for a shopping website, for instance add to cart delete and many more. i have deployed the django DRF on digitalocean and installed ssl certificate so that i can consume the data on react. i used react and typescript for the frontend and deployed the react on vercel.click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: Django/React/TypeScript


i have a developed a Restful API with PHP for a student record to update, add and delete the record but the user should be authenticated before any actions with access token. and that access token has been build with JWT and will expire soon.i also built a MVC framework from scratch. click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: OOP PHP/JavaScript

Job Portal With Laravel

WOW! the project that i am the most proud of is Job Portal website. the most completed, amazing and toughest project,it has every functunalities that a website can have and every part of this webiste is dynamic with admin dashboard. click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: Laravel

Movie App With TypeScript

I have create a movie app with TypeScript OOP that fetech data from a free API. click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: TypeScript

Food Order With React

I have created an application with react that is getting the data from Firebase database. i have used the useContext instead of react-redux to manupulate the data. i have created and used some custom hook to validate user inputs. the source code is in my GitHub account. click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: React

Dynamic Portfolio With Laravel

I have created a dynamic portfolio with laravel, this portfolio website has a dashboard which you can update, edit and delete the content in the front page of the website. click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: Laravel

React With TypeScript

I have created a todo list with React, TypeScript and API context, first i have build store with createContext and provid that in the entire components which you can update, edit and delete the content in the front page of the website. click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: React/TypeScript

Udemy Clone with OOP Javascript & PHP

I am creating udemy clone with OOP PHP and OOP Javascript in MVC framework. i have created MVC framework from scratch.this is the toughest and challenging project i ever build which soon will be done.click on the title to see. this is the login credential to check: email:mary@email.com, password:password

Lungauges/framework: OOP PHP/OOP Javascript/Ajax

WhatsApp with PHP

I have created a WhatsApp clone with PHP, first i build an API with Ajax and Javascript to give this chat app a live chatting, you can send pictures and texts. i can add more functionalities to the app like shows that user is typing and many other. click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: OOP PHP/Javascript/Ajax/


I have create an image CMS with OOP PHP. i can't include all the functionalities of the CMS in here, but i used Javscript,Jquery and Ajax with this CMS. and i also used google api chart to display all users data, image data, comment data and the views data dynamically from the database.briefly, you can add users,images,comment about particular image,delete,update details and i also created an amazing pagination for the frontend of this CMS. and the last thing, if you want check the functionalities and add images and users as an admin, you have to create an account and then sign in. if you can't visit live then it is hosting issue that i need to pay. you can find source code in Github account.click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: OOP PHP/Jquery/Ajax/Bootstrap

Student Management System With OOP PHP in MVC

I have built student management system with OOP PHP in MVC framework.in this system there are schools that each school has particular classes and each classes has particular lecutrer,students and tests. I can't include all the functionalities of this system in here.this system has four kinds of users, like super admin,admin,lecutrer,reception and student.the functionalities of this system has been restricted by the rank of users. like, super admin can do anything, and admin has authorities but the student has no authority. so remember to sign up as admin to see the functionalities.click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: OOP PHP/Jquery/Ajax/Bootstrap

Restful API with OOP PHP

I have created a Restful API with object orientd PHP for a todo list and made a login with Token Authenticaion , and used JWT to secure the Token even more.it will generate an API KEY when the user register and validate the user to delete and add todo list. click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: OOP PHP/Javascript

CRUD With React-Redux

I have created a simple CRUD with react-redux and custom Hook. click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: React

Ajax Search

I have built a project and used Ajax to deal with CRUD PHP.click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: PHP/Jquery/Bootstrap

WordPress Website

The goal of this website was to create a fresh and modern website where their visitors can explore more about website maintenance and the company. the company wanted to integrate their website and rank the website on first page of the google. click on the title to see

Shopping Website with JavaScript

I have create a responsive frontend Shopping website in javscript with complete frontend functionality like add product to cart, view product details dynamically, remove product dynamically, increment product quantity and decrement dynamically, total price calculation and store it to localstorage.click on the title to see.

Lungauges/framework: JavaScript/JSON

Image/Video Gallery With MVC framework in PHP

I have build an amazing Image and video gallery in MVC framework with OOP PHP with functionalities like searching, showing the views a specific picture and date that specific image has been uploaded, downloading the images and watching the videos. i also build create pagination for video section and image, all you have to do just create an account and sign in and uplaod your videos and images.click on the title to see

Lungauges/framework: OOP PHP

Gym website in React

I have built a simple, but beautiful gym website in React with RapidApi and YoutubeApi, it has search functionality, you can search any exercise name and bodypart name and learn everything about it. i also built a scrollbar for all bodypart just click on it and it display all particular exercises for that specific body part. you can even watch that particular exercise youtube video too that have been fetched from youtube. source code in Github account because of some hosting issue you might not be able visite live.click on the title to see


Shopping website with procedural PHP

this is an ecommerce website and i made with procedural php with the functionality for admin to add product to this website with cathegory and brand. you can add product from admin page too, it has also search functionality and filter products. you can add product to the cart and to delete product and increment quantity. you can find the source code in my github account.click on the title to see

Lungauges: Procedural PHP

Weather App with javscript

i have built a responsive weather forcast app with an API from OpenWeather website to search a city name and forcast the weather for 5 future days and show the temperature, humidity and wind speed. click on the title to see


Movie App javscript

I made a movie app with an API from OMDB website and you can search a movie name and find all details about that movie. click on the title to see



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